New Refo500 Project Manager Asia: Prof. Dr. Nam Kyu Lee

14 September 2020

Prof. Dr. Nam Kyu Lee from Hapdong Theological Seminary will be the new  Refo500 Project Manager Asia. Recently we met him, and we asked him to tell something about himself and his work.

Prof. Dr. Nam Kyu Lee, why did you become the Refo500 Project Manager Asia?

“May 2019, HTS (Hapdong Theological Seminary, Suwon Korea) started being a Refo500 Coordinator. HTS, as well as myself, want to communicate the message of the Reformation and to connect other institutions and schools in Asia to one another and the wider academic world, since there are many institutions working on the Reformation in Korea. I will try to connect them, so that we are able to create synergy. First of all, I want to open the website of Refo500 Korea again.

Can you tell us a little bit about your academic work and your seminary?

My dissertation was on the doctrine of predestination among the Heidelberg theologians (1583-1622). Then I published a book about Ursinus and Olevianus. I have been studying  reformed theology in the 16th and 17th centuries, especially the confessions of faith of the reformed church. HTS, where I am teaching Systematic Theology, was established in 1980 with the purpose of training qualified future pastors. Its motto is: ‘A God-honoring theology, A Christ-centered church, A Spirit-filled life.’

What possibilities do you see for academic research in Asia?

In the past, research was mainly done on John Calvin, but now studies of other reformers are being introduced. studies on Beza, Bullinger, Bucer, Ursinus, Olevianus, and even A Lasco, which are not well known to Koreans, are becoming better known through books and articles. In the case of HTS, the Decades of Bullinger has been translated into Korean by the Bullinger Project. Also, 17th century theologians are being introduced through the Puritans Research Center at HTS, in collaboration with the Theological University Apeldoorn and Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

It is evident that from the past, we can receive helpful guidance not only about pastoral care and preaching but also about finding answers to various problems facing modern society.”


Thank you for this interview, Prof. Dr. Nam Kyu Lee!




